Energy Investment Consultancy

AGATHON ENERJİ provides all required services for planning, developing and designing of electricity generation investment projects. Investment projects are analyzed by various concepts and system technology alternatives according to technical compliance and financial aspects during feasibility studies. After having feasibility reports, investor can compare the investment alternatives and strategies. Our services related to investment consultancy are essential for decision making.

Our related SERVICES Consist of

▸Legislation, Regulation Researches,

▸Market Research and Analyses,

▸Feasibility Studies,

▸Concept Designs,

▸Technical and Financial Assessments,

▸Strategy Development and Determining Road Maps,

▸Preparing Capex and Opex Forecasts,

Feasibility Studies

AGATHON ENERJİ supports the investors with the most suitable solutions within technical and financial approaches. The main purpose of the feasibility studies is to give insights into energy generation project’s related possible profits and risks specifically.

▸Most suitable solution according to the investment model,

▸Concept design within the chosen energy generation method,

▸Capital and Operational Expenditures with Business Model,

▸Present Values of the Foreseen Investment Incomes,

▸Work Schedule for Investment Period,

▸Potential Risk Reports,

▸Income Improvements Alternatives.